Monday, 14 March 2011

All round misery. And burgers.

Japan is beginning to take stock of what the Prime Minister says is its ‘most severe crisis since World War II.’ It is interesting to remember that Japan actually came out of World War II surprisingly well really. Finding themselves, with Germany, on the losing side - both countries were effectively banned from having a national army. In a bid to prevent a possible World War III, the winning countries had sat them on the naughty step and stopped them from fighting. So Japan and Germany poured their defence budget into being productive instead. And boy were they productive. Japan, in particular, grew its economy at breakneck speed to become the second largest in the world.

They have since been slowing down. Last year Japan slipped to the number 3 spot behind China and have been struggling under the weight of a huge public debt. Last Friday’s earthquake and Tsunami will cost them a fortune to clear up. Japan’s central bank has injected the equivalent of £14billion into money markets in an attempt to stabilize their financial position. Meanwhile, casualties pile up and a third explosion is feared at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

Libyan rebels have lost yet another town to Gaddafi’s men, as they continue to fight what is looking increasingly like a losing battle. The West still hasn’t intervened.

A big poll of 5 leading EU countries has revealed that everyone in Europe in officially miserable. No-one trusts their Government and most of us are petrified of further economic decline. The upshot is that we are at least still ‘confident in our liberal values.’ Which is nice.

Saudi Arabia has sent 1,000 troops into neighbouring Bahrain to suppress anti-Government riots. Bahrain is ruled by a monarchy (and also a Government) who are of the Sunni Muslim variety. Most of the population of Bahrain, however, are Shia Muslims. Obviously this is a recipe for disaster, and protests have been escalating of late. The rulers of Bahrain have now effectively called in their Saudi mates (who are predominately Sunni Muslims of course) to keep protesters at bay. Can’t we all just get along?

No - according to the Chief Exec of Burger King Bernado Hees – who has pissed off the whole of Britain in one fell swoop. “The food is terrible and the women are not very attractive,” he said of us today. Not the first time we’ve been teased on these grounds. But Ugly? Perpetrators of bad food? Scroll up for the face of Burger King himself.

Pot. Kettle. Black. 

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