Sunday, 27 March 2011

Mostly the Middle East... with a snake thrown in for good measure

 Almost half a million people joined the ‘anti-government cuts’ protests in London yesterday, with over 200 arrests made for violent or destructive behaviour. Sadly, this always seems to happen. One group of protesters covered Trafalgar Square with graffiti – which I think is really shitty.

Our business secretary, Vince Cable, has said that the government will not be changing their strategy; so all was apparently in vain.

Cable argues that making fewer cuts over a longer period of time would mean the government would have to borrow even more money to keep afloat. This would basically be like extending the limit on your credit card when you are already in debt. Which, lets face it, we’ve probably all done but only makes things worse.

Syria is getting bloodier by the day, with 12 more people killed during protests yesterday. President Assad has promised to address the nation within days.

Meanwhile, Hilary Clinton (who deals with this sort of thing for the US) has said that America will not be getting involved. Referring to their intervention in Libya, she argued: “Each of these situations are unique.”

Gaddafi has admitted that the Western intervention has seriously messed things up for him. Rebels retook Brega yesterday – a key oil town – from his clutches.

This next bit of news isn’t news, but it is very interesting for those of you who don’t already know.

Gaddafi has a fleet of 40 female virgin bodyguards because he says he doesn’t trust men. The women carry guns and wear high heels and designer sunglasses, and all of them take a vow to protect him with their lives. The system obviously works. Gaddafi has survived at least one assassination attempt by one of these bodyguards throwing themselves in front of him and literally taking the bullet.

I appreciate all this is very Middle Eastern focused at the moment, but that’s where all the news is. So on we go.

Islamic militants have seized control of a weapons factory in Yemen. These guys are not to be confused with the Yemeni protesters, but are more likely to be terrorists who are taking advantage of all the distractions.

America is very nervous about all this because President Saleh is their friend and ally in the war against al-Qaeda. Yemen has become a hotspot for al-Qaeda activity and lots of terrorists have been trained there over the last few years. President Saleh has been helping the Americans crack down on them, so if protesters overthrow him… more of the above could start happening.

And finally, speaking of America – New Yorkers are on the alert, as a very deadly Egyptian cobra has gone missing from the Bronx zoo. Blimey.

See you tomorrow… 

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