Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Sunshine, generosity and spider bites...

The weather seems to be improving. That small, round, light producing orb you see is not a lamp. It’s the sun. Most of the British public have probably forgotten what it looks like.

Bill Gates has given a third of his fortune away to charity, and as a result, no longer holds the title of World’s Richest Man. He easily takes World’s Most Generous though, which in a lot of ways is even nicer.

Britain has seen an encouraging drop in its export deficit. Which means that we are exporting more produce than we have in a long time. But still not very much.

And in case you were feeling suddenly positive about the world…

Libya has suffered more damage, as Gaddafi continues to wage war on his own people. Today he bombed Ras Lanuf- a major Libyan oil refinery- and he shows no sign of stopping. Britain is said to be putting pressure on NATO to enforce a no-fly zone, which would prevent Gaddafi from using war planes and which would considerably reduce the death and destruction he is causing. Let’s hope they do.

Another suicide bomber has taken ‘inappropriate’ to new levels, by bombing a funeral in Pakistan. More than 36 mourners were killed and many more injured, most of the victims being members of an anti-Taliban militia. No prizes for guessing the perpetrator here. Yes folks, the Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility. You can see more about them in yesterdays post.

It’s ‘no smoking day’ today, and Kate Moss has flipped her middle finger by lighting up a cigarette on the catwalk at Paris fashion week. A bit naff perhaps? Last year she caused outrage by telling a magazine that her motto in life is: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels – which I think was much funnier, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way.

And a new Viagra substitute has been discovered in South America, thanks to the Brazilian wandering spider, which infects its victim with a four-hour erection. I’ll leave you with that thought and no comment.

See you tomorrow.

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