Many people are very cross that Cameron is axing jobs and tightening our purse strings. Others see these cuts as entirely necessary if we want to get our economy back on its feet, and consider these demonstrators as spoilt and whiney.
In particular, banners were comparing Cameron to Margaret Thatcher.
Thatcher came to power during a similar period of Britain being up shit creek (economy wise) – and has been credited both with turning the situation around for us and pissing off most of Britain in the process. Compare her, if you will, to the scariest teacher or boss you’ve ever had. You’d probably rather staple your tongue to your cheek than socialize with him/her, but I bet they got results out of you.
Cameron is actually a lot more chilled and cuddly looking than Thatcher ever was so its not quite the same. The point is that cuts are being made and cuts are never popular.
The protest theme continues over in Syria, where rioters are still storming the streets. President Assad has released 260 political prisoners (mostly lawyers and journalists who have publically questioned his regime) in his biggest gesture yet to try and calm everyone down.
Over in Libya, a disturbing scene unfolded today at a hotel in Tripoli. A Libyan woman crashed a press conference and claimed she had been raped by 15 of Gaddafi’s men. She was quickly restrained by a selection of said men, and dragged away – with two CNN journalists battered in the process of trying to interview her. Dark.
Meanwhile, Libyan rebels re-took Ajadabiya – a key eastern city – from Gaddafi’s power, in the latest indication that they are finally overthrowing him.
In Japan, the Fukushima nuclear plant looks wobbly again. It appears as though reactors are now leaking radioactive water into the sea. Prime Minister Kan has said that the current situation is “currently very unpredictable.”
Still, not a single person has allegedly died as a result of radiation poisoning; so many are hoping it will all be ok.
Finally (slightly ironically), this weeks Euro Millions lottery jackpot was won, in part, by a Portuguese man who pocketed over £50m. The rest of the country isn’t doing so well. You can read more about them in yesterday’s post…
See you tomorrow.
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